Past Events

Course Balamand
On December 3, 2016, the faculty of Nursing at the Balamand University organized one day workshop

Conference to the students of Bioethics
The instructor of the course Bioethics at the faculty of heath- Sagesse University, Father George

Conference to the Ste Mary Apostolic movement
The youth of the apostolic movement of Ste Mary requested a conference on organ donation to discu

Conference to the Youth of Lady of Deliverance Church
The youth of Our Lady of Deliverance at Zahleh requested a conference from NOD Lb to discuss orga

Private Screening for fundraising
NOD Lb organized a private screening of “Film Ameriki Tawil”- Ziad Rahbani for fundraising.

Conference to the Youth of Ste Mary
NOD Lb held a conference on organ donation to the Youth of Ste Mary- Bejdarfel.

Conference at Btekhney
Kamal Joumblat Institute and AlJabal hospital organized a conference on organ donation in collabo

Religious meeting to support the Lebanese system for organ donation
Under the patronage of HE minister Wael Abou Faour, NOD Lb organized a meeting with media coverag

Conference to the congregations of the Patriarch
Every year, the congregation of the Patriarch organizes a course to the new members, including th

Open Conference at USEK
Father Boutros Eid from USEK-Kaslik organized a conference at the university.

Conference to the healthcare professionals
NOD Lb held a conference on organ donation to the healthcare professionals at LAUMC-Rizk hospital

Conference to the medical students
The Lemsic and SCOME and UOB in collaboration with NOD Lb organized a conference on organ donatio

Signing the protocol of cooperation with CEPSSL
NOD Lb and the “Pastorale de la Sante” held a press conference at the Catholic center for media t

Conference to the students of Theology
The director of the institute of theological education Father Georges Ters included a lecture on

Conference to the scouts of Zahret Al Ihssan
NOD Lb held a conference on organ donation to a group of scouts and discussed with them the main

Workshop on the Lebanese Organ Procurement System
As part of their commitment with NOD-Lb under the hospices of the Ministry of High Education, on

NOD Fundraising Brunch
NOD Lb organized a brunch for fundraising, at Le Royal- Dbayeh, on November 28, 2015.

Conference to Rotary Beirut
The Cosmopolitan club of Rotary Beirut requested a meeting to discuss organ donation in Lebanon a

Conference to the students of Business Ethics
Father Omar Sakr, professor of Business Ethics at NDU, organizes every year a lecture on organ do

Conference on organ donation
The youth committee at the catholic parish of Beirut organized a conference on organ donation.

Conference on organ donation
During their summer camp activity, the youth of the evangelical church organized a discussion on

Conference for the youth of Lehfed church

Conferences to the healthcare professionals and the administrative staff
NOD Lb organized with the Libano Francais hospital the first awareness conferences on organ donat

Awareness for Grade 1 & 2 at IC
The students of grade 1 and grade 2 at IC Ain Aar worked during the school year 2014-2015, on a c

Conference at Maghdoushi
The center of Islamo-christian research in the Catholic Archbishopric of Saida organized a semina

Donors Families Ceremony
NOD Lb organized the first ceremony for the donors’ families to commemorate the death of their lo

2nd National Congress on Organ Procurement and Transplantation
This year, in the celebration of the national day for organ donation, NOD Lb organized “The 2nd N

Pre-congress workshop on donation after circulatory death
NOD Lb organized a workshop on donation after circulatory death held at LAU- Jbeil.

Fundraising screening
The same group of students from LAU, who helped NOD Lb organize the Lunch at Arnaoon village in t

Conference to Novartis staff
Novartis pharmaceutical organized a conference on organ donation to the employees.

Fundraising lunch
With the help of a group of volunteers from LAU, NOD Lb organized a fundraising lunch at Arnaoon

Conference for healthcare professionals
Rassoul Al Aazam hospital organized in collaboration with NOD Lb a conference on organ donation t

Conference to Scout of Antoura
Scout Antoura for girls organized in collaboration with NOD Lb a conference on organ donation to

Conference to the youth of Mizyara Youth Club
NOD Lb held a conference at Mizyara Youth Club for the youth and their families.

Introduce Organ Procurement System in medical schools
The medical and nursing schools have signed a commitment with NOD-Lb (approved by the Ministry of

Seminar Organ Procurement
The medical and nursing schools have signed a commitment with NOD-Lb (approved by the Ministry of

Conference on organ donation & Results of the fundraising project done by the students
The primary students at Sainte Famille school- Tripoli decided to do a fundraising activity for a

Train the trainers seminar
NOD-Lb has provided the health professionals from LAU and Balamand universities 2 separate 3 day

Conference to the students of theology
Father Georges Ters who is the director of the Theological Educational institute- Jounieh, added

Introduce Organ Procurement System in medical schools
The medical and nursing schools have signed a commitment with NOD-Lb (approved by the Ministry of

Launching the first media campaign “Say Yes to organ donation”
NOD Lb, under the patronage of HE minister Wael Abou Faour, held a press conference to launch the

Conference at St Coeurs School
St Coeurs School in Batroun organized a conference on organ donation to the secondary students.

Participation in the Beirut marathon - BMA
NOD Lb with the cooperation of a group of volunteers from LAU, participated in the Beirut maratho

Conference at the Secondary Governmental School
The secondary governmental school in Jbeil organized a conference on organ donation to the studen

Conference at the St Coeurs
NOD Lb held a conference organized by St Coeurs – Jbeil to the secondary classes.

Bike for organ donation
NOD Lb organized a Bike riding to raise awareness on organ donation.

Conferences at Caritas migrants office
NOD Lb held 2 conferences at Caritas Bauchrieh-Metn, to the migrants from Iraq and Syria.

Conference for the youth of youth of the Houwata church
During summer awareness activities, the youth of the church of Houwata-Metn, chose to discuss org

Participation in the WTC
NOD Lb participated in the world transplant congress held in San Francisco, and had an abstract o

Conference to the scout leaders at Champville School
Scout leaders at Champville requested from NOD Lb a conference on organ donation including the re

Conference to Phoenix Employees
Phoenix organized a conference on organ donation to the employees and their families and friends,

Conference to the team of Aero club
NOD Lb held a conference on organ donation to the team of the Aero- club, at Ashrafieh.

Conference Bioethic Course
NOD Lb held a conference to the students of Bioethic at the faculty of medicine at LU.

Conference for the “Pastoral Patriarch Office for Youth”
NOOTDT-Lb held a conference for the youth leaders at the “pastoral patriarch office for youth”, o

Participation in the Women’s race- BMA
NOD Lb with the cooperation of a group of volunteers from LAU, participated in the women’s race o

Conference to the medical students
NOD Lb held a conference at USEK to the 3rd year medical students.

Conference at St Coeurs
Saint Coeurs School at Sioufi-Ashrafieh organized a conference on organ donation to the secondary

Conference to the Scout of Notre Dame de secours
The scout of Notre Dame de secours discussed the procedures of organ donation in Lebanon, with NO

Conference to Rotary Club
NOD Lb held a conference to the members of Rotary club-Beirut, on March 26, at Hotel Monroe.

Conference at Fondation Albert Nassar
NOD Lb organized with Fondation Albert Nassar, a conference on organ donation, held at the founda

Conference at Ballout Family association
NOD Lb held a conference at Ballout Family Association in Mtein, to the families of Mtein and the

Conference at the Theological Education Institute
NOD Lb held a conference to the students of the Theological Education Institute- Jounieh.

Conference at Qortbawi Institute
NOD Lb held a conference for the secondary students at Qortbawi institute-Jounieh.